75ml fresh pink grapefruit juice
50ml Tequila Resposado
25ml Lime juice
15ml Agave nectar
100ml Soda water

Garnish: slice of grapefruit and sprig of olive, plus a dried lime wheel or scorched lime
Glass: Rummer


Meet the gorgeous Paloma. A tequila-based drink, long and refreshing with the tartness coming from the grapefruit. Let’s get started! 

Ice in your shaker first, and then you’ll need 75ml of freshly squeezed ruby grapefruit juice which can go straight in. Then we’ll go for 50ml of tequila - I like to use a resposado, just because it has a wonderful depth of flavour. That goes in the shaker, and then 25ml of lime juice, and 15ml of Agave syrup. Really easy to remember. Then we’re going to give that a shake, and go straight in. Twenty shakes, here we go! 

When it’s lovely and cold, we’re going to single strain straight into a glass that’s full of ice already, and just look at that beautiful pink colour. Gorgeous. 

And because it’s nice and long, we’re going to garnish it first before we top it up with soda. So I’m garnishing first with a bit of pink grapefruit, and because it is a Paloma, the bird of peace, I’m going to add a few olive leaves from my garden. We’ll put those in behind the grapefruit, and just to contrast with the colour, I’m going to add a bit of lavender, white and purple, to lend some height. Always think about your garnish, think how you’re going to present your cocktail in your glass. 

Then top it up with soda, you’ll see it froths up beautifully and you’ve got a beautiful, refreshing, cooling cocktail that I last had at a summer party on my patio in the sunshine! Absolutely divine. 

Ben Hickingbotham